Case Study | Web-based Application | Services | ANGLIA


The University of Hong Kong

School of Nursing – Online Interactive Platform

The purpose of the application is to convey correctness knowledge through an online interactive platform and enhance female students’ awareness of dealing with love, intersex relationships and sexual assault issues. By developing a series of online research questionnaires and interactive Q&A, it could encourage and motivate students to get in touch or know more about sexual knowledge.


In addition, HKU could easily capture students’ perception for research data and analysis, and ease of managing vast amount of quantitative and qualitative data in a digital format.




What we did

  • Interactive Layout and Graphic Design
  • Questionnaire with Calculated Result
  • Formulated Flow of Questionnaire Result

Key Features

Gives your audience the best browsing experience possible on tablet and mobile, without forcing them to adapt the screen themselves.

Allow your target audience to join as member for full access, foster relationships and customer loyalty.

Acquiring critical insights on user behaviour and overall performance. Optimize your application for higher engagement by keep tracking the data.

Encrypts all your data and protects your privacy. Create a secure user environment that you and your customers can rest assured of using it.

Gather immense feedback from users or clients, optimize performance by learning and analyzing their needs.